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MediaLibrary runs on Java. If you don't know
what java is, please download our standalone version ( java runtime environment
Stable release
The current stable version is MediaLibrary 0.6
- an auto-installable, multiplatform jar version ( without Java VM ). If you don't have Java yet, please download the J2SE (JRE) here). Once you have installed Java, you may install MediaLibrary by double-clicking on the jar file, or by executing "java -jar MediaLibrary_0.6-install.jar" where you saved it.
- a tar.gz containing the .jar ( without Java VM). If you don't have Java yet, please download the J2SE (JRE) here, and you will need to set the JAVA_HOME variable to your Java directory. You may then uncompress the MediaLibrary release and launch the software by double-clicking the script file (medialib.bat on Windows, medialib.sh on Linux) or by executing it.
The sources are available from our CVS repository ( please
see our Project Page.)
Old version : MediaLibrary 0.4.2
There are three windows version :
You can download either an auto-install or a .tar.gz
containing the .jar. Please take notice that you will need a working java
installed and you should set the JAVA_HOME variable to your Java directory.