The new features of the current version of Medialibrary can be found in the file /WHATSNEW
Status Bar with Current Selection Management & Monitored Task Stacking
Catalog Load Tracing (options/trace menu)
Recent files list
Automatic backup & Warning if saving on an already existing different Catalog
Graphical file category change
Browsable help & documentation
Numerous switchable gui icon sets (through setting the property in the resources/medialib.prop file)
2 GUI loading & indexing refresh politics: continuous or on action end only (customizable in resources/medialib.prop by setting the medialib.gui.refresh property either to "OnModelEvent" or to "OnActionEndOnly"). The last one is 6 times faster
XML format
Read & write catalogs in XML and gzip XML
Full ADC catalog 1.15b format compliance
Minus: media drive "free size" field
Read & write (catalog, medias, dirs & files, categories, dates, comments, sizes...)
Adc uses a nonstandard date storage format, so there may be up to 4 min delay between adc dates loaded from pure adc and stored by MediaLibrary
Indexed media & file tree sorted view
Shows full indexed filesystem & file properties (name, size...)
Directory properties (full size, files number...) autocomputing
Media can be renamed & removed (media tree popup or Edit menu)
Media & directories can be sorted (media tree popup or Edit menu)
Customizable sort strategies (in resources/medialib.prop)
Select Subtree action (media tree popup or Edit menu)
Media indexation
Any drive or directory may be indexed in the current catalog
MediaLibrary on Windows guesses drives' label, type & serial number
Indexed MP3 files' ID3s are parsed as file comments
Hierarchical categorization model
Compliant with pure ADC file format
The '/' slash character is used as categories level separator
Features a tree categories view showing categorized files
Navigation from categorized files to media view by double click
"new", "add","move" and "remove" categories tree popup & Edit menu actions
All selected files may be recategorized at the same time
File & media search feature
Toolbar search textfield & launch button
Google like behaviour for the search entries : spaces are understood as AND operators
Category cross searching
Statistics tab providing information on found files
Toolbar statistics launch button to compute statistics on the current catalog
An increasing panel of statistics for now : basic statistics on files, statistics on multimedia files
An "easy to extend" stats computing architecture. Develop your own statistics algorithm
Preferences Edition
Edits the reources/medialib.prop, saves on exit
Single and multi properties handled
HTML output
Reports missing serial episodes in the subcategories of the Preferences chosen top serial Category
Many bugs have already been fixed. Please look on
If you want to send us a bug report, do not forget to attach to your e-mail all the files in the /logs directory which lies on the root of medialibrary directory. The content of this file is watchable via the option Trace in the Tools menu.
The diffrerent version of Medialibrary are name X.Y.Z.v where :
The major version of Medialibrary. It changes only when the perimeter of Medialibrary changes.
The minor version of Medialibrary. It changes only when the features of Medialibrary changes.
Technical number. It changes when technical fixes are added to Medialibrary.
The operating system number. Since Medilibrary is a portable application, it does not