The Medialibrary Handbook

The Medialibrary Team

Hanbook version : 0.6


This handbook is the user guide of the Medialibrary application

Table of Contents

I. Getting started
1. Introduction
1. Welcome to Medialibrary !
2. Features
2.1. What's new ?
2.2. User Interface
2.3. Catalog & Indexation
2.4. Tools
2.5. Quality Assurrance
3. The Medialibrary Team
3.1. The core team
3.2. Developers
3.3. Special thanks
2. Installing Medialibrary
1. Getting Medialibrary
2. Installing on Windows
3. Installing on Un*x Like systems
3. Basic media management
1. Launching medialibrary
1.1. Windows operating system
1.2. Un*x like operating systems
2. Opening & saving a catalog
3. Indexing a media
4. Browsing & file information display
II. Advanced media management
4. Categories
5. Search & statistics
6. Preferences Edition
7. Catalog Reporting
8. Miscellaneous
1. Help
2. Traces and logs
3. Bug reporting

List of Figures

1.1. Medialibrary logo
1.2. A snapshot of the Medialibrary main screen
3.1. The file menu
3.2. The index menu
3.3. Browsing with Medialibrary
4.1. Browsing the categories
5.1. Looking for files whose name contains the words "doc" and the word "report"
5.2. The result window
5.3. Statistics on the results
6.1. The preferences window
8.1. The about and help buttons